Tingl is currently an early-access beta application available on iOS via TestFlight.

We use the Polygon Testnet network which temporarily requires you to add the Matic Mumbai test network on Metamask until Tingl goes live (Q1-Q2 2024).

A few simple steps to start anti-messaging

<aside> ℹ️ Switch to the 0.75x playback speed to slow down the video.



1. Download the iOS Metamask app and create a wallet (skip if you already have a wallet)

  1. Follow the Metamask’s wallet creation instructions
  2. Make sure to not take screenshots of your wallet recovery phrase but write it down on a piece of paper and store it securely

2. Add and configure the Matic Mumbai Testnet network on Metamask

  1. Open the network selector in Metamask (located on top)
  2. Press “Add network”
  3. Switch to “Custom networks”
  4. Fill the custom network input fields with the table
Network Name Matic Mumbai
RPC Url https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com/
Chain ID 80001
Symbol MATIC
Block Explorer URL https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/





3. Claim Matic Mumbai test tokens

  1. Open Metamask and press the “Send/Request” button in the bottom
  2. Press “Receive”
  3. Copy your Metamask Matic Mumbai wallet address by pressing “Copy”
  4. Go to Mumbai Faucet and paste your Metamask wallet address to claim Matic Mumbai test tokens (they will be used in the app during the Testnet phase)





4. Install Testflight from the App Store (open the link on your iPhone)

5. Install the Tingl beta app from Testflight (open the link on your iPhone)

6. Sign up on Tingl using your Matic Metamask wallet